Saturday, November 19, 2011


I Dont Give Fuck What Someone Is Doing, Whether They Are Protesting Or Not, At No Point Should A Group Of Students Who Are Sitting On The Ground Be Sprayed Like That, This Is Bullshit. You Tell Us We Are The Generation That Will Make A Change?! How The Fuck Do You Think We Will Be Able To That If The Lawmakers And Politicians Are Making Bullshit Decisions. What Do You Think These Student Were Doing!?! They Weren't Dropping Trou And Taking Shit On The Sidewalk THEY WERE FUCKING SITTING IN PEACE, They Were Doing What They Could Do Within The Power That They Have To Stand Up To A Flawed System. Once The Old Fat Cats In Washington Release Their Wrinkly Old Liver Spotted Hands From The Gavel Of Justice Than Maybe Shit Like This Will Never Happen Again. Fuck The Police.

Video Of The UC Davis Occupation Pepper Spray Attacks

Again, FUCK THE POLICE And Every Politician Who Has A Leash On A Badge.

Here's Something Nice And Friendly For The Police Of America And The World

I just have to say, the girl crying at the end gave me chills. That shit was haunting.



  1. Maybe learn to write in complete sentences and with adjectives other than expletives, and maybe someone else will listen to your rants. oh, and btw, don't think there was any gavel of justice here........think about who's pulling the puppet strings on the police on this one........and unless old fat cats are not replaced by new fat cats becoming old fat cats, nothing will ever change. good tune choice though.

  2. Understandable, I wrote this when I was extremely mad. There is proof that a person in a position of power told them to use whatever force was needed to move the students. Maybe not someone in washington, but still, there is no reason why something like this should ever happen.
