Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Past Year

This isn't a music post or a clothing post, but I hope you will take time to read this and pass it on.

This year was crazy. I don't think it is just me in thinking that an enormously large amount of events happened this year, I know that I wont do it justice and my guess is that I will leave a lot out, but this needs to be recognized, so here I go with my best.

America's Ace of Spades was killed, number uno, Osama Bin Laden. Death of someone who changed our generation forever. There was a strange unity that night, for the youth of America. Yes we rioted, but we weren't rioting for the death of a person, it was an exhale, a movement forward.

--- Devastating droughts in Africa --- Horrendous tsunamis in Japan --- 10 year anniversary of 9/11 --- Occupy across the nation and the repercussions from that. U.C. Davis, Portland --- Massive Tornados ripping through the Central U.S. --- Massive Hurricanes ripping through the Eastern U.S. --- The Slaughter of all those people in Oslo and Utoya --- Earthquakes shaking the world, Japan, New Zealand --- Facebook and Twitter overthrew governments --- Riots in England --- The War continued --- Steve Jobs passed --- Debilitating snow storms in the U.S. --- Gay Marriage legalized in New York (Just another amazing step towards equality) --- The Royal Wedding --- Stem Cells transplant a trachea --- There is potentially water on mars. ---

And around this time next year the world is gonna end. This doesn't apply to everything on that list but is this how we want our world to end, do I actually believe it will end, no, but do I believe in a Spirit of the Times? A Zeitgeist, I sure do. Something is happening, can I tell you what it is? No, but do I have an affect on it, yes I do, as does every single person on this planet. If governments can be over thrown by the organization skills of facebook, who's to say that a nation who is addicted to facebook won't get sparked by a student getting pepper sprayed in the face. A spark that can move a nation to do the same, don't get me wrong, I'm not calling for a civil war, merely saying that as a group we have power and there are plenty of injustices that should be stood up to. Obviously there is nothing we can do directly to stop a natural disaster, but they don't have to be as devastating as they usually turn out. Katrina is a beautiful and terrible example.

I know I'm ranting, and my thoughts seem unorganized, but what I really want to convey is that something is happening, and everyone needs to open their eyes, stand up, and do their part. Whether that is making appropriate decisions that change a nation, or getting good grades in order to get into medical school, or what ever plans you might have after graduation.

If you read this, thank you, I'm not entirely sure for what, but thank you. There is a reason I like the name Have A Nice Day. HAND, you can't do anything without your hands, and in turn you can't do anything without Having A Nice Day. So please have a nice day and again thank you.


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